American Legion Auxiliary
306 West Main Street, LeRoy, MN 55951

Founded in 1919, the American Legion Auxiliary in LeRoy supports local veterans and volunteers raise money for programs and charities.
The American Legion Auxiliary Meighen-Thompson Unit 161, of Le Roy was organized in 1920 at the home of Mrs. F.T. Young. The members gathered for meetings at the Beehive, now the Sorenson Apartments, until receiving a charter on May 27, 1924. Meetings then were held at the Legion Rooms and eventually the Le Roy Municipal building. Forty-eight charter members assisted in caring for the disabled from World War I and for families and children of the veterans.
The auxiliary has continued this work and in promoting patriotism and love for America. Eighty members are presently enrolled. Activities include financial support of servicemen clubs, children’s homes, veterans hospitals and support of the Vietnam Memorial fund. Patriotism motivates the auxiliary in their Memorial Day programs, decoration of graves, support of citizenship in school children and tribute to teachers during National Education Week.
Contact Info
- Patty White
- 507-481-7822