City of LeRoy MN – Council Meeting Minutes, December 2, 2024
A regular meeting of the LeRoy City Council was called to order by Mayor Ed Koppen on Monday, December 2, 2024, at 6:30 PM at the LeRoy Community Center with the following members present: Mayor Ed Koppen, Council Members Harold Shipman, Gerald Payne, Brian Thiel, Maintenance Employee Nick Sweeney, and City Clerk Patty White. Council member Ashley Huntley was absent.
Also attending: Georgia Eastvold, Judy Jasper, Pat Newman, Chastidy Sweeney, Paul Apenhorst, Axel Gumbel, Brent Dohlman & Logan and Briggs, Deputy Katlynne Fisher, and Nicole Wallace. All stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Truth in Taxation Hearing:
- Koppen noted the city council and city staff made every effort to keep the levy the same amount as last year.
- No one in attendance had anything to bring forth during the hearing.
- Being no further discussion for the truth in taxation hearing, the hearing was closed at 6:32 PM.
Consent Agenda:
- Council reviewed the information included in the consent agenda. Motion by Shipman, second by Thiel to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried 4-0.
Police Report:
- Deputy Fisher reported deputies spent 6.0 hours per day here in LeRoy over the past 28 days. There were 67 total calls for service; of these calls 24 were traffic calls and 15 were medical calls. Payne questioned if anything can be done with the speed that semi-trucks travel through town. Deputy Fisher will pass this concern to the other deputies to monitor speed. Council thanked Deputy Fisher for her report and service.
Public Input Time:
- Brent Dohlman presented the idea of an ice rink. The fire chief has given his approval of an ice rink; the fire department personnel have offered to assist with setting up the rink and keeping the ice in good condition. Dohlman noted he would like to install the rink in the North Baumbach Park on the tennis court. Lights would be available for nighttime skating. The estimated cost would be between $1,400 and $1,800 for the frame and liner. Sweeney noted he is in favor of this, but he doesn’t want the entire upkeep of the rink to fall on the city employees. Dohlman noted he would like permission to install the rink and requested funding, if possible, or he would look for other funding. Motion by Payne to allow the use of North Baumbach Park for the ice rink and allow up to $1,300 from Park & Rec for this endeavor. Second by Shipman. Motion carried 4-0. Dohlman thanked the council for their support.
- Dohlman reminded council of the Mingle & Jingle to be held on Friday, December 13. The holiday light parade is being brought back for this event. Koppen noted the parking lane on the north side of Main Street had been used in the past for the holiday light parade.
- Axel Gumbel reported TextMyGov has gone live. More followers are being added each day. Two texts have been sent out.
Standing Committee Reports:
- Koppen reported the Prairie Visions annual Pat-on-the-Back dinner was held at Sweet’s Hotel. There was good conversation on issues with the connection of the Shooting Star Trail and the Wapsi Trail; it was also noted a long-time DNR employee has retired.
State Highway 56 Project:
- Payne questioned if water and sewer hookups were installed to the EDA lot on Main Street. Sweeney thought these services were installed.
- Payne presented information on planters he has researched for beautification of Main Street. If approved, these planters would take the place of the hanging flower baskets. Payne suggested placing three planters of different sizes put together in a cluster near the light poles. The Garden Club has offered to plant these. Payne noted mums and pumpkins could be placed in some of the planters for fall; tree toppers could be placed for winter. Payne noted there would be 12 settings from between Bethany Bible Church to LeRoy Cenex. Payne reported businesses will be asked to ‘adopt’ a cluster of planters and keep them watered. Payne noted this should save the city some money since the public works guys won’t have to water them every day. Payne had gotten a quote from German Heritage Furniture in Chester for 36 white planters for a cost of $12,696. Payne noted he would ask for an additional discount based on the amount of the order. The Garden Club used to get funds from the LeRoy Community Foundation for planting the hanging flower baskets; the Garden Club will request funds from the LeRoy Community Foundation for plants for the planters. Gumbel questioned if there was any concern if someone were to kick the planters leaving black marks or road grime with white planters. Koppen reminded those present that Hwy 56 through LeRoy is part of the Shooting Star Scenic Byway; he noted the cars with different state license plates that have been seen along this Byway. Motion by Payne to approve the purchase of these planters, using funds from Park & Rec, up to $12,700. Second by Shipman. Motion carried 4-0.
- Koppen noted that sidewalks were included in the Hwy 56 project; he noted some residences now have sidewalks that didn’t have them before. He questioned whose responsibility it will be to remove snow from these sidewalks. Payne felt that each property owner is responsible to clean the sidewalk on their property. Koppen, for food for thought, talked about sidewalks in general. He noted some of the residential sidewalks are narrow and in poor repair. He questioned if the city were to do a sidewalk program, if the city could get a better bid to replace these poor sidewalks, but the cost would be the responsibility of the adjacent homeowner. Council also noted liability would be the homeowner’s if someone were to fall on the sidewalk on your property.
Lake Louise State Park-Shooting Star Trail-Tourism:
- There was nothing to report on this topic.
Update-LeRoy Medical Clinic Property:
- The city now owns this property. Regional Health Services of Howard County has begun putting plans together to open a clinic in this building, but they have not made an official statement on this until their December 12, 2024, board meeting. Koppen noted the proposed start-up costs for this could be in excess of $1M.
2025 Proposed Budget & Levy:
- Being no further discussion on the proposed 2025 budget and levy, motion by Shipman, second by Payne to approve the 2025 budget as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
- Motion by Thiel to pass Resolution 2024-09, a resolution approving the 2025 levy at $575,000. Second by Shipman. Motion carried 4-0.
2025 Liquor Licenses:
- Motion by Payne, second by Shipman to approve the 2025 liquor licenses as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
2025 Pay Package:
- Motion by Thiel to adopt the pay package as stated on the 2025 LeRoy Employees Pay rates with Budget Effects at an increase of 5%. Second by Shipman. Motion carried 4-0.
Designate Polling Place for 2025:
- White noted the council needs to designate the polling place in the city each year. Motion by Payne, second by Thiel to pass Resolution 2024-10, a resolution designating the annual polling place as the LeRoy Community Center. Motion carried 4-0.
Land Use Permits:
- There were no land use permits for council review.
Communications File:
- Council reviewed the thank you from Candace Hanson for the assistance offered to her for her Senior Project. Council also review the thank you from the L-O FFA for the assistance offered to them for their Fall Frolic for Food.
RFP-Ash Tree Removal:
- Council noted this will be tabled and re-advertised for in the spring.
North Park Improvements:
- This will be tabled until the January, 2025, meeting.
Service Award Recognition:
- Koppen acknowledged the L-O Football Team and coaching staff for the excellent fall season. Koppen also recognized the L-O FFA and their poinsettia sales.
- Koppen recognized the LeRoy Community Theater for their performances; they keep the culture of the city going.
- Koppen recognized the LeRoy Veterans Day activities including the veterans pheasant hunt that was held at Three Arrows Hunting Preserve.
- Council recognized Payne and Thiel for all they have done these past four years they have served on the city council.
Vacant & Nuisance Properties:
- Thiel presented information on a possible ordinance change that would address minimum housing codes. This would enable the council to be able to address vacant, dilapidated housing. This proposal will need to be reviewed by the city attorney prior to any action being taken. Thiel was thanked for his time on this.
- Payne noted he would like to see future councils continue addressing nuisance properties; he felt that good progress was made this year; he would like to see this continue. He reported the property owners at 112 W Cabot and 201 E Read have received the initial fines, but no progress has been made in cleaning up these properties. Payne noted that 112 W Cabot looks worse than it did before. He also noted the properties at 211 W Read, 208 W Read, and 212 E Henry have made some progress on their properties, but they still have work to do. White was directed to make contact with the city attorney to get the next steps in addressing these properties. The property located at 210 E Frederick was also discussed; Thiel noted the property taxes are current on this property.
Housing Incentives Discussion:
- Thiel recapped the information that council received. Payne questioned if a cash incentive could be offered only for developers but not for single-family owner occupied housing. Thiel noted the program could be set up as the council wants it done. The cash incentive would not be paid out until the licensed contractor signed off on a form. Dilapidated housing could also be addressed with a cash incentive if the house were demolished and a viable livable property is rebuilt on the property. Motion by Thiel to recommend to future councils to consider this topic and proposed information to make a plan to move forward with various housing incentives. Second by Payne. Motion carried 4-0.
EDA & WWG Report:
- Shipman reported the EDA did not renew the contract with CEDA. He noted the EDA is researching different alternatives.
- Payne reported occupancy at WWG is still low. The EDA has reviewed some information about a management firm that would assist with the operation of the facility.
Being no further business to come before the council, the meeting was adjourned on a motion by Thiel, second by Payne at 7:45 PM.