May 6, 2024, Meeting Minutes

Posted: May 6, 2024

City of LeRoy MN – Council Meeting Minutes, May 6, 2024


A regular meeting of the LeRoy City Council was called to order by Mayor Ed Koppen on Monday, May 6, 2024, at 6:30 PM at the LeRoy Community Center with the following members present:  Mayor Ed Koppen, Council Members Brian Thiel, Harold Shipman, Gerald Payne, Maintenance Employee Nick Sweeney, and City Clerk Patty White.  Council Member Ashley Huntley was absent.
Also attending: Josh Lewis, Deputy Katlynne Fisher, and Dick Soltau.  All stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Consent Agenda:

  • Thiel questioned about the annual city audit. It was noted the city audit includes the city accounts, EDA accounts, and Wildwood Grove accounts.  Thiel commented about the information included in the Key Performance Indicator worksheet.
  • Motion by Payne, second by Shipman to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried 4-0.

Police Report:

  • Deputy Fisher reported the Mower County deputies spent an average of 6.47 hours per day here in LeRoy over the past month. She noted there were 69 total calls; traffic stops and ambulance calls are the most prevalent calls.  She noted they have received some calls for suspicious activity.  Koppen noted with the nicer weather that it would be a good time for the deputy to take the time to visit with the local kids as they are out and about.  Council thanked Deputy Fisher for her service and report.

Public Input Time:

  • No one present had anything to bring during public input time.

Standing Committee Reports:

  • Shipman noted Prairie Visions had met. He reported it is not known if funding for the trail connection between the Shooting Star Trail and the Wapsi Great-Western Trail is still included in the bonding bill.  Koppen noted that contact could also be made with the Mower County Commissioners, Lodi Township, plus the state elected officials.  Payne reported that Commissioner Glynn was in attendance at a land owners meeting; he did not know if any other commissioners were there.
  • Thiel reported the library had landscaping completed on the north and west side of the building.

State Highway 56 Project:

  • Sweeney updated council on the empty conduit that was included in the project paperwork and bid specs. This conduit would be put in on both sides of Hwy 56.  This was included in the project bid in the amount of $28,000.  There are no hand holes included in this bid price.  If no hand holes are installed during construction in the amount of $1,800 each, these would need to be installed at the time some company came to use the conduit.  This would involve cutting into the new sidewalks.  If the conduit was to be removed from the work schedule no change order would be needed.  Thiel noted the installation of the conduit was his idea and could have possibly served a purpose, but the cost is quite high.  It was the consensus of the council to not proceed with the installation of the conduit.
  • Dick Soltau reported on the number of semis that are not following the detour routes; they seem to be trying to get around the detour. Sweeney noted MnDOT is aware of this and is addressing these issues with the detour routes and signage.  Soltau also questioned if East County Road will be paved yet this year.  He noted he would prefer that this not get paved this year, but he noted this area needs more rock.  Sweeney noted he will let Colton from Heartland Asphalt make the call on this paving; he will order more road rock from Koch, Inc.
  • Thiel questioned if there were any other streets that should be addressed this year for street patching and/or pothole repair. Sweeney noted he would like to try the astec process that was used on Mower County 14 on some of the city streets.  He noted with the Hwy 56 project this year, he is not looking to do any other street maintenance or repair except for pothole patching.

Housing Incentives Discussion:

  • Thiel reported on his conversation with the City of Harmony CEDA rep that helped with their housing incentive program. Thiel updated council on the process the Fillmore County Assessor uses when putting values on new construction.  Council noted they were contemplating using a flat amount for a cash housing incentive.  This will be further discussed as more information becomes available.

EDA Appointment:

  • Koppen reported he made contact with both applicants for the open EDA seat, namely Axel Gumbel and Josh Lewis. Lewis was in attendance; council posed a few questions to him.  Payne questioned if there is a limited number of seats that can make up the EDA board.  Koppen noted this is set in statute.  Koppen recommended the appointment of Josh Lewis to the LeRoy EDA board to fill the unexpired term of Josh Diemer.  Motion by Thiel to accept the recommendation of Mayor Koppen to appoint Josh Lewis to the EDA board.  Second by Shipman.  Motion carried 4-0.  It was noted that Mr. Gumbel’s letter of interest will stay on file.

Land Use Permits:

  • Council reviewed two land use permit applications.
  1. Lot 9 & E 25’ Lot 8, Block 12, Caswell & Lewis, 109 E Cabot, Cody Schroeder-install fence
  2. Lot 5, Block 2, Olson Addition, 117 Penny Lane, Donna Johnson-install chain link fence
  • Motion by Thiel, second by Payne to approve said permits. Motion carried 4-0.

Communications File:

  • White read an email from the Mower County Sheriff’s Office noting the three licensed tobacco establishments here in LeRoy passed the compliance check.
  • Council reviewed a letter from the Southeastern Minnesota Initiative Foundation. Council took no action on this letter.


  • Sweeney displayed a used V-Lock Pro locater from the City of Adams. This would primarily be used to locate water and sewer lines.  This unit is currently on loan from Adams.  Sweeney and Wilcox currently use two witching wands to find water and sewer lines.  The locater work with both copper and PVC pipes, if the PVC pipes have a tracer wire.  The company also makes a sonde that can be put in a sewer line with the city camera to note depths of these lines.  Sweeney noted a new V-Lock Pro would cost $6,000; a refurbished V-Lock Pro would cost $4,200.  Adams is asking $2,400 for this one.  Sweeney noted this one does not come with the sonde; he doesn’t know the price for a sonde.  Motion by Thiel to purchase this locater from Adams and authorize the purchase of a sonde unless the cost of the sonde is higher than the cost of the locater.  Second by Payne.  Motion carried 4-0.

Community Center Lighting Project:

  • Council reviewed two quotes, one from Wheeler Electric and one from TNT Electric. Thiel updated council on both proposals.  He noted Option One was to replace all the fixtures to match those recently installed in the Community Center kitchen and small meeting room; Option Two was to remove the ballasts in the existing lights and install LED bulbs.  Motion by Thiel, second by Payne to proceed with Option #2 from TNT Electric in the amount of $3,000.  A rebate from Freeborn Mower Electric will be applied for in the amount of $657.25.  This will leave a net cost to the city in the amount of $2,342.75.  The motion carried 4-0.

Parks & Recreation:

  • Sweeney noted the restrooms in both parks have been opened for the season. Sweeney reported he had contacted Will McGill for a quote to paint the South Park bathrooms.  Koppen noted if a quote is not received soon, Sweeney can contact a couple of other local painters.
  • Thiel questioned Sweeney if there were any equipment needs for the public works department. Sweeney noted a grapple for the skidloader would be nice to have.  They have borrowed a grapple from Miller Grain.  The grapple works well in keeping the dump cleaned up.  Sweeney estimated the cost of a grapple to be roughly $2,500.  Sweeney was directed to get a price for a grapple and bring it back to the June council meeting.

Service Award Recognition:

  • Shipman recognized Sweeney & Wilcox for all their work with the IronHorse Marathon. Shipman also recognized all the other volunteers that assisted with the Marathon.
  • Payne again thanked the generosity of the LeRoy Community Foundation for the funds for the Community Center kitchen project and the LeRoy Lions for the funds for the new blinds.

Vacant & Nuisance Properties:

  • Payne had compiled pictures of 14 different properties that could be in violation of the city nuisance ordinances.
  • Motion by Payne to contact the city attorney, follow her recommendation, and continue to proceed with getting these properties cleaned up. Second by Shipman.  Motion carried 4-0.

Strong & John Street-Right of Way Infringement:

  • It was noted it does not appear the large electrical box at the intersection of East County Road and Main Street will be moved for the Hwy 56 project. There was nothing to report on the Strong & John Street infringement.

ARPA Funds:

  • The generator at the Fire Hall has been installed and is operational. Sweeney is working with Minnesota Energy to get natural gas to the east lift station for that generator.

EDA & WWG Report:

  • Thiel questioned about some of the entries on the WWG balance sheet. White noted these will be addressed with the auditor from Smith Schafer.

Being no further business to come before the council, the meeting was adjourned on a motion by Shipman, second by Thiel at 7:50 PM.