City of LeRoy MN – Council Meeting Minutes, November 4, 2024
A regular meeting of the LeRoy City Council was called to order by Mayor Ed Koppen on Monday, November 4, 2024, at 6:30 PM at the LeRoy Community Center with the following members present: Mayor Ed Koppen, Council Members Brian Thiel, Harold Shipman, Ashley Huntley, Maintenance Employee Nick Sweeney, and City Clerk Patty White. Council member Gerald Payne was absent.
Also attending: Caleb Hovde, Randy Sager, Jason & Amy Bastian, Diane Whalen, Axel Gumbel, Russ Rudlong, Deputy Katlynne Fisher, and Deputy Bronson Hindal. All stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda:
- Council reviewed the items included in the consent agenda. Thiel posed a couple of questions. Motion by Thiel, second by Shipman to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried 4-0.
Police Report:
- Deputy Fisher reported law enforcement spent 6.32 hours per day here in LeRoy over the past month. She reported 64 calls for service with 15 traffic stops and 15 medical calls over the past month. Both deputies were thanked for the report and for their service.
Public Input Time:
- Huntley noted that Kristen Stevens had contacted her about the zoning classification on the property they purchased at 121 West Main Street. This will be further discussed at the December council meeting.
Standing Committee Reports:
- Shipman noted the annual Pat on the Back dinner for Prairie Visions will be held here in LeRoy at Sweet’s Hotel on Monday, November 18. Prairie Visions will next meet in January. They are still working on trail connections.
- Thiel reported the library board meeting minutes are now included in the council packets.
- Huntley reported the LeRoy Area Ambulance Service has responded to 192 calls so far this year. The service is going strong with a full crew. Council noted the area is very fortunate for this service and the volunteers that staff it.
State Highway 56 Project:
- It was noted the roadway is completely open now. The final lift of blacktop will be applied in May, 2025. Some people have questioned about the colored sidewalks.
Lake Louise State Park-Shooting Star Trail-Tourism:
- These items are at a lull until after the elections to see who, at the State level, will be appointed to different committees.
Update-LeRoy Medical Clinic Property:
- It was noted the city has completed the purchase of this property.
- Koppen reported the board of Regional Health Services of Howard County held a board meeting at the clinic property. They were extremely pleased with the property. They are not looking at many changes to the building if they are able to bring medical services here.
- Randy Sager questioned if there has been any discussion on a lease agreement with RHSHC. Koppen reported these items will be covered when the time comes.
2025 Proposed Budget & Levy:
- Council was reminded the annual Truth in Taxation hearing will be held at 6:30 PM at the beginning of the December 2, 2024, council meeting. The budget and levy can be adopted at that time, or a special meeting can be held to approve these two items.
- Council reviewed the appropriations to be considered. Koppen noted the North Baumbach Park is a city responsibility. Council could proceed with improvements to the park using investment savings funds. These improvements could include new basketball hoops, lights, and electrical.
- Council reviewed the 2025 contract between the EDA and CEDA. The contract amount is $31,783 for 2025. Shipman noted this comes to $78.68 per hour for the eight hours per week that a CEDA representative is here in LeRoy (50 weeks, 8 hours per day).
MnDOT-Limited Use Permit Approval:
- Council reviewed the information included in this limited use permit for the ‘Welcome to LeRoy’ sign at the East Y. Motion by Thiel, second by Shipman to pass Resolution 2024-08, a resolution approving the Limited Use Permit. Motion carried 4-0.
LeRoy Fire Relief Retirement Amount:
- Fire Chief Caleb Hovde updated council on the retirement program for the volunteer firefighters. Currently each firefighter receives $900 per year to be held in an account with the Statewide Volunteer Firefighter Plan through PERA. This amount could be increased to $1,200 per year per firefighter without costing the city any funds. This is a benefit for each firefighter.
- Motion by Shipman, second by Huntley to increase the annual retirement amount from $900 per year per firefighter to $1,200 per year per firefighter. Motion carried 4-0.
WWG-Line of Credit Security:
- It was noted the line of credit is coming due. The EDA would like to request the security of the city’s investment account for the line of credit. The line of credit is currently written for $200,000; that amount is being requested for the new line of credit. Motion by Thiel to approve the use of the city’s investment savings account as collateral on this line of credit. Second by Shipman. Motion carried 4-0.
Land Use Permits:
- Council reviewed two land use permits:
- Lots 7, 8, 9 & 10 & S 25’ Adj on NE & Nly 40’ Old RR Rtwy Adj on SW, Block 20, Original Village, 208 S East County Road, Heather Tucke-build addition, patio
- Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, Block 23, Original Village, Dalyn Litwiller-rebuild garage
- Motion by Thiel, second by Shipman to approve both permits. Motion carried 4-0.
Communications File:
- There was nothing to review in the communications file.
RFP-Ash Tree Removal:
- White reported the RFP will be published in the November 7, 2024, edition of the Mower County Independent. Bids will be due on November 22; council can review these bids at their December meeting.
North Park Improvements:
- The proposed improvements to be made at North Park will be reviewed with Councilor Huntley; she is appointed to Parks & Rec.
Service Award Recognition:
- The L-O/L-P Football team and coaches were recognized as they head to the State Tournament.
- Many children partook in Halloween festivities; there were no troubles reported.
Vacant & Nuisance Properties:
- Thiel noted that property taxes are current on three of the properties council has been monitoring. The property at 630 E Lowell has been cleaned up and mowed.
Housing Incentives Discussion:
- Thiel reviewed the information he had compiled on offering the tax abatement incentive or a cash incentive or allowing a choice. Thiel noted any program would be for the city portion of property taxes; the county or school could have different programs. Thiel noted the LeRoy plan would be a subset of Mower County; any abatement or incentive would still be triggered by an application to Mower County.
- Koppen voiced his apprehension that Mower County handles everything now. He noted a concern if an issue comes up between the owner and the contractor; he noted one bad situation could sour the project. Thiel noted the city wouldn’t be drawn in because the licensed contractor must sign off before any cash incentive would be given to the owner. Thiel was thanked for this information; this will be further discussed at the December meeting.
EDA & WWG Report:
- The CEDA contract was further discussed. Koppen noted he can’t see where the contract is worth that much ($31,783 for 2025) money, but he doesn’t want to upset up the EDA board, either. Shipman noted the city currently appropriates $30,000 to the EDA; the EDA uses these funds to pay for the CEDA contract. It was noted that those funds could possibly be better used by the EDA instead of paying for the contract. Shipman noted he is not saying these things against any CEDA employee; he is noting this with the amount of the contract. Koppen and Shipman concurred they don’t feel the EDA is getting their money’s worth with the contract. Huntley felt the council should concur with whatever the EDA feels is best. Thiel questioned if council should make a motion expressing their concern with the contract. Motion by Thiel that the council expresses its concerns with the advisability of continuing this contract with CEDA with the financial concerns of this contract. Second by Shipman. Motion carried 4-0.
Canvassing of Election:
- Council consensus to hold the meeting to canvass the results of the city election on Thursday, November 14, 2024, at 5:00 PM at City Hall (Changed to Friday, November 15, 2024, at 3:00 PM at LeRoy Community Center due to L-O/L-P football game).
Being no further business to come before council, the meeting was adjourned on a motion by Shipman, second by Huntley at 7:38 PM.