City of LeRoy MN – Council Meeting Minutes, October 7, 2024
A regular meeting of the LeRoy City Council was called to order by Mayor Ed Koppen on Monday, October 7, 2024, at 6:30 PM at the LeRoy Community Center with the following members present: Mayor Ed Koppen, Council Members Harold Shipman, Gerald Payne, Brian Thiel, Maintenance Employee Cole Wilcox, and City Clerk Patty White. Council Member Ashley Huntley was absent.
Also attending: Axel Gumbel, Jim & Anne Middleton, Linda Sanders, Devin & Nicole Wallace, Randy Sager, Russ Rudlong, Ron Purkapile, Chris Sukalski, Stephanie Sukalski, Travis, Deputy Katlynne Fisher, Deputy Mason Geier, Alice Darland, Jim Finhart, and Clint Purkapile. All stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda:
- Council reviewed the items included in the consent. Motion by Thiel, second by Payne to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried 4-0.
Police Report:
- Deputy Katlynne Fisher and Deputy Mason Geier gave the verbal police report. Deputy Fisher reported deputies spent on average six hours per day on patrol in LeRoy over the past month. There were 74 calls for service over the past month; of these 74 calls, 15 calls were medical calls and 11 calls were for traffic stops.
- Shipman reported he has received calls about kids driving golf carts and the speed these golf carts are traveling. White also noted each golf cart should have a red 2024 golf cart sticker affixed to the cart. Deputy Fisher noted that ATVs and UTVs fall under different guidelines. White will email the golf cart ordinance to Deputy Fisher for her review.
- Council thanked Deputy Fisher and Deputy Geier for their time, service, and for the report.
Public Input Time:
- No one spoke during public input time.
Standing Committee Reports:
- Council brought forward nothing for standing committee reports.
State Highway 56 Project:
- It was noted the project is progressing; the end appears to be in sight.
Lake Louise State Park-Shooting Star Trail-Tourism:
- Koppen reported the two letters were sent; an email was received from Bob Storlie from Forestville State Park requesting a time to meet with Koppen on LLSP.
- Chris Sukalski questioned if the council knows what plans the DNR has in place for LLSP. Sukalski noted the DNR says they don’t have funds for some amenities, but they have funds to purchase tillable farm land. She expressed concern about these land purchases.
Citizen Notifications & Alerts:
- Gumbel reported the billing for this service can be delayed until 2025. He noted this is under a three-year contract; the contract can be decreased to two years if the database is not part of the agreement. Gumbel reported any notifications are currently done through the city Facebook account. Marketing materials are priced at $500. The fee is $1,500 per year for three years with an additional $500 setup fee. Gumbel recommended getting the marketing materials. He reported it would take 30 to 60 days to get this up and going. He reiterated this can be cancelled after the initial three-year term.
- Motion by Payne to proceed with entering into this agreement with TextMyGov. Second by Shipman. Motion carried 4-0.
Update-LeRoy Medical Clinic Property:
- It was reported the earnest money has been paid. A letter was sent to Regional Health Services of Howard County as was directed at the September 26, 2024, special council meeting. Koppen reminded those present that Mayo Clinic had removed the contingency about the use of the property from the paperwork.
- Jim Middleton questioned where the funds will come from for this purchase. Koppen noted these funds will come from capital outlay funds. Middleton questioned about the amount being charged on the utility bills for the Hwy 56 project and why capital outlay funds could not have been used to lower the amount charged to everyone on their utility bill. Koppen and Thiel explained the enterprise funds. Payne also noted that no one attended the council meetings where this debt service fee was discussed and ultimately passed.
2025 Proposed Budget & Levy:
- There was no new information or discussion on the proposed budget or levy.
Public Hearing-Assessing Administrative Finds:
- Koppen read the due call for this hearing and opened the hearing at 7:00 PM. Travis questioned if written notice had gone out to the people that are being charged a fine. White noted the notices were mailed out as required.
- Jim Finhart noted his hands are tied with his renter; he thanked the council for proceeding with the fine.
- Being no further business to come during the public hearing, the hearing was closed at 7:08 PM.
- Motion by Shipman to pass Resolution 2024-06, a resolution assessing a $500 penalty to these three properties. Second by Payne. Motion carried 4-0.
LeRoy Fire Relief Retirement Amount:
- The fire chief was not in attendance. This item was tabled until the November council meeting.
Cannabis Ordinance-Joint Powers Agreement with Mower County:
- Council reviewed the proposed joint powers agreement with Mower County. Motion by Thiel to approve the joint powers agreement between the County of Mower and City of LeRoy for the enforcement and regulation of cannabis. Motion carried 4-0.
Contract for Law Enforcement Services:
- Council reviewed the proposed contract for law enforcement services through Mower County. It was noted the increase in the cost of the contract was included in the proposed 2025 budget. Motion by Thiel, second by Shipman to approve the contract for law enforcement services. Motion carried 4-0.
Land Use Permits:
- Council reviewed one land use permit:
- Lot 3 & Lot 4 Exc E 75’, Block 1, WW Sweets, 405 E Columbia, Ben Mensink-build garage
- Motion by Payne, second by Shipman to approve said permit. Motion carried 4-0.
Communications File:
- Council reviewed the invitation for the grand opening of the Cresco Medical Clinic remodel and expansion.
RFP-Ash Tree Removal:
- The RFP will get sent out in October; council will review the RFPs received at the November council meeting.
MnDOT Snow Removal Agreement:
- Council reviewed the proposed joint powers agreement with MnDOT for snow removal on Hwy 56. Motion by Shipman to pass Resolution 2024-07, a resolution entering into MnDOT Agreement No. 1056870 with the State of Minnesota. Second by Thiel. Motion carried 4-0.
North Park Improvements:
- Shipman reported the EDA has not heard if the grant was received or not. This will be reviewed at the November meeting.
Service Award Recognition:
- Kudos was given to everyone involved with Fall Fest. The LeRoy Commercial Club and L-O Community Ed worked together on part of these festivities; it was nice to see this cooperation.
Vacant & Nuisance Properties:
- Follow-up letters will get sent out in the next few days. The people that have cleaned up their properties were complimented. Jim Finhart requested a council member to accompany him to his property to review with the renter what needs to be done. Payne volunteered to do this.
- Jim Middleton questioned who sits on the Administrative Fine Board. It was noted that Steve Klostermann, Jan Whisler, and Rita Hiller are members of this board. Middleton questioned why he received a letter when he has nothing to clean up. Payne apologized many times and noted they had the wrong address. Mr. Middleton requested a formal letter of apology from the city council unless the council can produce pictures of what was in violation. Mr. Middleton also had a list of properties that he feels are not in compliance with the ordinance.
- Motion by Payne to send a letter of apology to Jim and Anne Middleton for mistakenly sending them a nuisance letter. Second by Thiel. Motion carried 4-0.
- Ron Purkapile questioned about the letter he received addressing the large pile of logs; he questioned where this pile of logs is a health hazard. Purkapile reported the logs were placed there by someone else; Mr. Purkapile noted he has made a big dent in cleaning up the logs. Koppen thanked Mr. Purkapile for all he has done for cleaning these logs up and for the help he has given to others.
- Koppen noted this whole process has also been a learning curve for the city council. The Administrative Ordinance Board was discussed including how the board works. Clint Purkapile questioned what happens after the fines are assessed to property owners to get them to comply. Council is still working through this process. Clint Purkapile noted how the City of Austin handles this. Information from the City of Austin will be requested.
Housing Incentives Discussion:
- Thiel reviewed the information he had compiled on housing abatements. He noted the paperwork he gave to council is just study papers for now. This will be further discussed and addressed at future meetings. Thiel was thanked for all his time in compiling this information.
- Payne questioned if the city would offer a choice of the tax abatement or the cash abatement. This would be a council decision if one or both programs would be offered.
EDA & WWG Report:
- Payne reported Mower County will be here on October 11 for applications for the county program to help Main Street businesses affected by the Hwy 56 construction.
Other Business:
- The BP Food Shop is now under new ownership and needs to transfer the 3.2% license into the new owner’s name. Motion by Payne, second by Shipman to approve this license. Motion carried 4-0.
Being no further business to come before the council, the meeting was adjourned on a motion by Shipman, second by Payne at 7:51 PM.